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Dara del Rio

Embodiment + Resiliency Coach
Spiritual Exploration Guide

Hello + welcome. For me, there is no joy more sacred in this life than feeling as a way of knowing—learning to trust the innate wisdom deeply held in the soil of our own bodies.

I have learned in both modern and ancient ways: earning my Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy + Comparative Religious Studies, spending three years in Master’s and Doctoral level programs in Classical Chinese Medicine, studying yoga and Buddhist meditation for over a decade, and working with indigenous healers in Peru and Guatemala with plant medicines. I am currently training for my master’s degree in social work with the intention to center my practice around marginalized native communities within our country. 

I have spent 2+ years over the course of my life living full-time in Central and South America, where I continue to deepen my relationship with shamanism and indigenous wisdom. I currently reside near Durango, Colorado and am proud to call the Four Corners region home.

The many challenging life experiences I have faced, including childhood sexual abuse, a life-threatening chronic illness, and a concussion from a high-impact car accident, have required years of personal attunement and dedication to my craft. I am humbled now to offer my work as a space-holder, guide, and witness to your transformation.

Through this work, we not only resolve trauma but expand our capacity to attune to the subtleties of nature, increase our sense of agency and resiliency in our lives, and unlock our creative gifts and unique offerings in the world.

You are worthy of your best life, the one your body craves and your heart yearns for. Let’s go find it.


  • Life Purpose + Mission

  • Intergenerational Trauma + Ancestral Reclamation

  • Healthy Sexuality

  • Grief + Life Transitions

  • Unresolved Childhood Wounds
  • Processing Psychedelic Experiences


  • PRINCIPLES OF FIVE ELEMENT ACUPUNCTURE,  Institute of Taoist Education & Acupuncture

  • TRAUMA-INFORMED PLANT MEDICINE, Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner Atira Tan

  • ONGOING SHAMANIC STUDIES in Central and South American Indigenous Traditions since 2016


  • BACHELOR OF ARTS in Philosophy & Religious Studies, Northern Arizona University



Working with Dara has been a transformative experience for me—each time learning more about myself and healing in both physical and spiritual ways. Her approach works in a serpentine manner, quietly and effectively caressing the spiritual wounds, rectifying unhealthy energy flows and allowing healing to truly begin from the inside out. I continue to seek out her services for spiritual growth and bodily wellness. With her sessions, I have been able to better connect with my body, my lovers, my family both living and ancestral, as well as esoteric energies and beings. The medicine isn’t always easy or pleasant to experience, at times it is deeply challenging, but each time it is undeniably worth it. I’m eternally grateful to have met Dara, and look forward to engaging future work with her!
Sydney H.

The work that Dara and I did together drastically improved my quality of life. I was suffering from severe anxiety and depression that were preventing me from functioning. Shortly after the first session, I gained insight into past traumas and began to consciously let go of the remnants that were weighing me down. The release had begun subconsciously, no doubt, during the first session. The subsequent sessions were no less effective at accelerating the healing process. In a short period of time, my anxiety and depression have subsided, I have reconnected with myself and my surroundings and have reached a functional state. These things would not have happened without Dara. She is a healer. Her intuition and approach are incredibly effective. I highly recommend Dara’s work!

Scott M.


Somatics + Psychology of Place: How Does Our Environment Affect Us?

Somatics + Psychology of Place: How Does Our Environment Affect Us?

This video with Dara explores the theme of how our environment and where we live affect and shape who we are, how we feel, what we think.

On Being Broken

On Being Broken: Investigating Our Core Beliefs about Ourselves

In your innermost chamber, do you harbor the secret belief that you are broken or damaged in a way that cannot be overcome?

The #1 Somatic Practice I Do

The #1 Somatic Practice I Do: An Experiential Exploration

If I were to boil down somatic work into just one simple and effective practice, this would be the one!

It's Okay to be Disgusting

It’s Okay to be Disgusting: Messy Change & Transformations

When things are changing or there’s a big transformation, it’s usually messy and it doesn’t look good. We often don’t know what’s happening.

To Grieve the Living

To Grieve the Living: Expanding the Practice of Mourning

Grief is something we usually reserve for people who have died. But what about all of the people who are still alive?

Tending to the Mother Wound

Tending the Mother Wound: Ourselves, Our Families + Planet Earth

What is your relationship with your mother? Your wife? Your child? What about Mother Earth herself?

What is Ancestral Healing?

What is Ancestral or Intergenerational Somatic Healing?

The importance of healing not just our own wounds, but the ones of those who came before us . . . ultimately, they are one and the same.

Balancing Masculine + Feminine in the Nervous System

Balancing Masculine + Feminine in the Nervous System

Are we all wired to fight, flight, or freeze under threat? In this video, Dara del Rio talks about the fawn or tend-and-befriend response.

When Trauma Ends

When Trauma Ends: Resiliency, Growth + Embodiment

What happens when we process our trauma? And what comes next? Today’s video is about stepping into deeper levels of resiliency + growth …

Dara del Rio Video Transcript

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