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Asa Dean


Somatic Practitioner

One of my greatest joys lies in helping people transform experiences of suffering into those of possibility and belonging. I find myself especially moved by the moments of vulnerability, wonder, and even humor that occur along our journeys of healing. I applaud you for taking the time to invest in yours.

My own life has included an emergency heart surgery, addiction, and close encounters with death. While I am thankful for many of the gifts that come with modern Western culture (such as hot baths & infinite music), I also recognize that elements of this same culture serve to cut us off from our bodies and distort our sexuality and vitality. Fortunately, we are hardwired for healing and we always retain our wholeness, no matter how obscured it may become. Learning how to befriend our bodies and listen to their language (the first language we each knew) is fundamental to reclaiming our vitality & wellbeing. I’d love to help you do this.

I live in Durango, Colorado where you can find me full of joy on a snowboard or cozying up at home reading sci-fi. I love cooking delicious food from my garden, acrobatics, and finding my edges in the wilderness. Be in touch for a consultation to see if we may be a good match.


  • Trauma / PTSD Treatment + Nervous System Regulation

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Boundaries, Anger + Healthy Aggression

  • Embodied Sexuality


  • SENIOR GUIDE, Open Sky Wilderness Therapy

  • SOMATIC BODYWORKER, private practice

  • FACILITATOR, Journeys Rites of Passage

  • EDUCATOR, Pacific Center for Awareness and Bodywork


    3-Year Trauma Treatment Certification 


  • SOMATIC BODYWORK & STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION, Pacific Center for Awareness and Bodywork

  • AEGIS De-escalation Training


  • PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES, Georgia State University


Asa allows others to feel heard, seen, and deeply valued. Due to the self-esteem Asa instills in his clients, he is able to create a safe environment for others to take risks and venture out of their comfort zones. Asa challenges the idea that you need to be anyone but yourself with love, humor, and deep human connection.
Katie K.
Asa created a nourishing and flexible container which felt safe to experience and experiment with some of the many parts of my psyche. When exploring these parts, they would be welcomed by Asa and met with a brilliant balance of inquisitive uninhibited play and rooted grounded awareness. Having my vulnerability witnessed and held with such patience and grace has been extremely helpful in the rewiring of my nervous system. I would confidently recommend this creative healing experience to anyone. I feel immense gratitude for the gifts and teachings I have received in these sessions.
Stephanie T.


What's Sensation Got to Do with It? Attending to the Body for Intuition + Healing

What’s Sensation Got to Do with It? Attending to the Body for Intuition + Healing

In the moments leading up to the kiss, if you are paying close enough attention, you will notice some sort of sensation: maybe flutters …

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