Somatic Therapy

Body-Based Counseling for Adults + Teens

Body-Mind-Spirit Approach to Counseling

Have you been in talk therapy for years, and know that there is a deeper layer of healing you could be accessing? You know your story; you know why your inner difficulties developed, and yet you realize that hasn’t been enough to shift out of them.

By including mind, body, nervous system, and spirituality, we can reach the root causes of neurosis where they are stored, rather than just addressing them with the conceptual mind.

In a culture that encourages us to live from our brains, the wisdom and pace of our animal bodies can get lost.

Together, we will dive below the mental chatter and free the stored constriction and wisdom⁠ of your physical being—what does your body remember? What is it trying to tell you?

If we can slow down and open to inner awareness, the body can be our greatest resource, friend, and teacher.

Somatic therapy and coaching has proven effective for issues such as:

  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • anxiety 

  • depression

  • addictions

  • spiritual emergence/y

  • chronic pain (fibromyalgia, migraines, etc.)

  • digestive issues (IBS, SIBO)

  • autoimmune disorders

How Can Somatic Therapy / Coaching Help?

Mindfulness, Bodyfulness, Spirituality + Coregulation

Doing somatic therapy

Somatic Therapy FAQ

somatic experiencing

in Boulder, Longmont + Durango, CO
Sacramento, CA


2975 Valmont Rd Suite 210,
Boulder, CO 80301

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