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Trauma Therapy

PTSD Treatment + Somatic Experiencing™

Using the Body for Nervous System Healing

Are you struggling with symptoms related to trauma? Do you find yourself avoiding certain situations because they seem dangerous? Do you struggle with emotions taking over and becoming out of control? Or is it a challenge to feel emotions at all? Do you feel highly charged and anxious often? Or perhaps you feel numb and depressed?
Do you view yourself negatively, perhaps with a lot of shame and guilt? Are your relationships unnerving? Maybe you are wondering about developmental trauma, or have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder or complex PTSD and are exploring different forms of treatment . . .

Trauma can be at the root of many unwanted symptoms. It can bar us from intimate contact with ourselves and others. It often takes over our life or makes certain parts of it unbearable. If you are seeking out ways to work with it, we whole-heartedly salute you.

Trauma has become quite the buzzword these last few years. While it may be used flippantly all too often, it is nonetheless important to talk about. But what is trauma, exactly?


Master of Divinity
Somatic Practitioner

Master of Clinical Counseling
Somatic Psychotherapist

Somatic Practitioner
Holistic Coach + Spiritual Guide

Somatic Coach

Transpersonal Counselor

Somatic Practitioner

Somatic Trauma Therapist + Spiritual
Integration Specialist

Somatic & Archetypal Healing Practitioner

Somatic Practitioner

PTSD Treatment + Trauma Therapy

ptsd treatment

How Can Somatic Experiencing™ Help?

What to Expect . . .

PTSD Treatment FAQ


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