What is a Plant Apprenticeship?

A plant apprenticeship is a series of at least five sessions with Dara, or can be a natural part of your sessions with her if you are already working together.

Dara will gather your history and choose a plant spirit most appropriate to your needs that she too has apprenticed with and has a working relationship with. All plants offered are non-psychoactive, commonly used herbs within our own culture.

plant spirit apprenticeship

Somatic Practitioner
Holistic Coach + Spiritual Guide


You will commit to drinking your chosen plant and spending at least ten minutes a day in conscious communion with it for two weeks. This process is aided by making simple, daily offerings to the spirit of your plant, guided audio meditations created and provided by Dara, and regular email messages + support throughout the process.

You will meet with Dara for a minimum of five sessions, the last two sessions providing vital integration of the work. These can be done either in consecutive weeks or spread out over a longer period of time, depending on your needs and the plant you are working with.

An apprenticeship will ideally become a lifelong relationship with the spirit of a plant.

After completing this guided experience, you will find you have a special connection and resource with your plant spirit whenever you have need.


Apprenticing yourself to a plant spirit can be an incredibly powerful and transformational experience. 

The power of a plant spirit continues to grow long after the actual plant matter has been metabolized.

Plant spirits help create profound shifts in your inner and outer worlds days, months, and years after the beginning of the apprenticeship. Work with plant spirits can help with issues as diverse as:

  • love for oneself

  • true intimacy in a relationship

  • finding personal purpose

  • shadow work

  • codependency

  • breaking addictive patterns

  • manifesting beauty, abundance & wealth

  • childhood wounds

  • trauma

  • deep fear & primal insecurity

  • empathic fatigue

  • connection to the spirit world

  • opening psychic abilities

  • embodied universal wisdom

Plant Apprenticeship FAQ


“Working with Dara is always a treat. Her ability to pick up on subtle shifts in resonance and her intuition are finely honed, and she flourishes in working as a plant to human counsel. The extended duration of the program, combined with the insightful prompts and check-ins facilitated my ability to feel some genuine connection with Rooibos. We lack this kind of slow work in our culture, and it continues to prompt me to reorient myself to aspects of my inner and outer life that have long needed nurturing. It seems that a large part of being able to communicate with our non-verbal, chlorophyll-loving neighbors lies in getting out of our heads and into our bodies, which is very much a part of what I have learned in this work with Dara. She is authentic and caring and seemingly wise beyond her years. It is a gift to have such a groovy and mindful mediator in my corner and I would recommend her to anyone considering plant spirit medicine.”


Plant apprenticeship

“If you listen well to a plant you have solicited medicinal aid from, they say you can learn its song, and its song will be as effective a medicine as the plant material itself. That’s when you’ve taken that plant in as your deep ally: when you can invoke its medicine without even necessarily touching or finding the plant. At that point you have access to the spirit of the medicine.”

Kathleen Harrison
Visionary Plant

Plant Spirit

“Every breath is a giveaway dance between you and the plants. Breathe this in. Plant spirit healing vibrates like a harp string, shimmers like a spider web, and is destined to be a warp thread in the re-weaving of the healing cloak of the Ancients.”

Kathleen Harrison
Visionary Plant


Ongoing Healing


Distance Healing

Plant Spirit Apprenticeship Video Transcript

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